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Completion of Nuclear Charging Pump

2020-05-20 18:02:43 138


Completion of Nuclear Charging Pump

On 25th March, the last set nuclear II charging pump for Tianwan nuclear power unit #5 & #6 of Jiangsu Nuclear Power Co., LTD completed 72 hours performance test, and passed the expert witness inspection from China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., ltd. and Jiangsu Nuclear Power Co., LTD successfully, which marked CQPI completed a major nuclear power projects again.


There are totally 6 sets nuclear II charging pump for Tianwan nuclear power unit #5 & #6, and 3 sets for each unit. The pumps are BB5 type high pressure multi-stage centrifugal pumps. The minimum operating flow is 5m3/h, the maximum operating flow is 120m3/h, and the maximum head is 1700m. The hydraulic performance of the pump is quite special and the pump must meet four specified operating conditions at the same time. It is one of the most important pumps in nuclear power plant.



CQPI is a state-owned company affiliated with Chongqing Machinery & Electronics Holding (Group) Co., Ltd.(CME), specializing in the research, development, design and production of high-end pump and systems. It has two main category products, the positive displacement pump and centrifugal pump. The company established in 1951, and it has sustained profitability and steady development, there are more than 1000 employees, and it covers an area of 200,000m2. Awarded the "national enterprise technology center", passed the assessment of “integrated management system of informatization and industrialization", and awarded “API Q1”. With the platform of "whole-life cycle management and remote operation and maintenance ", the product is widely used in the industry of oil and gas, chemical, mining, metallurgy, steel, nuclear power, thermal power, water supply and drainage etc. in domestic and abroad, and has been exported to more than 30 countries all over the world. 

重庆水泵厂有限责任公司是重庆机电(控股)集团旗下专业从事高端工业泵类产品及系统研究、开发、设计、生产于一体的国有企业,覆盖容积泵及离心泵两大类产品。重泵始建于1951年,持续盈利、稳定发展,现有员工1000余人,工厂占地面积200,000平方米;获得“国家企业技术中心”的授牌、通过国家“信息化和工业化融合管理体系 要求”的评定、拥有“API Q1”证书、携“机泵全生命周期管理及远程运维”平台,广泛服务于国内外油气、化工、矿山、冶金、钢铁、核电、电力、给排水等领域,已出口到全球30多个国家和地区。
